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Top 8 Tips to Land Your Dream Job This Year

Finishing up university and getting your qualification can be a great experience, but to most it is also a bit scary. It marks the time that you have to find your feet and start working. While a lot of educational institutions do assist in the placement and pairing of students with possible jobs, it is not always the case.

You may need to do some research and work for you to land that dream job. In this article we share our top tips that will help you to do just that!

#1: Be on The Lookout

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Narrow down your search and make sure the requirements line up with your skillset and qualifications. Use all the tools and resources for job searching, including LinkedIn and other networking sites.

#2: Have Your CV Ready

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Make sure your CV is updated to the final detail. If you are applying for a job that requires a specific skillset you have, highlight that on your CV so that the employer can see it immediately.

#3: Customise Your Applications

Instead of sending batches of templates out and using the information on your CV on your cover letter, customise every application. Employers will quickly see what you have to offer and whether it will be a great fit.

#4: Be Prepared for Interviews

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Always prepare before going for an interview. Practice some typical interview questions and how you would answer them. Employers will be able to tell whether or not you’ve prepared in advance.

#5: Do Some Research

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Do some research on the company and the interviewer before going for an interview. This will make you even more prepared and enable you to compile a list of answers about the company and job.

#6: Arrive Early

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Before the day of the interview, you need to see where the company is situated. You should calculate how long it would take you to get there, and ensure you arrive early for your interview.

#7: Ask Questions

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While you prepared for the interview, you came up with some possible questions to ask. Have them ready and ask your interviewer these. This will also allow you to ascertain whether the job is a good fit for you.

#8: Think Before Accepting

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Once you have received your offer, be sure to find out until when you have to decide on whether or not to join the company. Think calmly and clearly before accepting a job offer and ensure it’s a great fit for the company and yourself.

And that’s it. By following these tips, you will be more than capable of landing your dream job. Keep in mind that there is a lot of work involved in finding, applying and preparing. Make sure you’ve got everything ready and that you only apply for the jobs that resonates with you and your skills.