Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Fluency in language makes a career easier, even if the vocabulary is rather general. It is even better, however, if the technical

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Fluency in language makes a career easier, even if the vocabulary is rather general. It is even better, however, if the technical terms flow as easily from the tongue as the standard phrases in everyday life. Various industries, from commercial to technical, have their very own language.

This also applies to the growth industry of online casinos. Although the main emphasis thereby lies on the software, humans cannot be done without. Especially at live tables, where flesh and blood dealers run the games and also communicate with gamblers via chat, first-class language skills are a prerequisite because every word and every instruction counts. Anyone running an online casino depends on employees being able to express themselves as precisely as Sherlock Holmes does when questioning witnesses.

This is also important in administration. The EU has strict guidelines for licensing and controlling online casinos, and correct interpretation is a must. To ensure that consumers really play it safe when choosing from the many providers, the trustworthiness of online casinos available in the region is regularly tested and evaluated by Gambling.com/de, among others. To ensure this, employees with the necessary language skills are also required in the administration and legal departments. There are currently 24 official languages recognised in the EU, with an emphasis on English, French and German. English and French are also the most important languages in the casino sector, with terms such as roulette and poker, which are often adopted as fixed terms in other countries.

The increasing multilingualism, in addition, “Eindeutschung” of words and idioms makes itself besides in marketing noticeable, whereby the trend goes ever more toward social media. When a star or influencer posts a picture on Instagram, tweets about a hobby, his new car or event, or shares a story on Facebook, the message arrives. And social media can also be used to disseminate information that is subject to strict conditions in the conventional advertising world. The Posts make topics personal – if the content is right.

A picture says more than a thousand words, but a wrongly chosen word can turn a post, an announcement or an evaluation into a trendsetter in an unwanted way. The best example is “Covfefe“. The nonsense term coined by President Trump, which almost caused the Internet to collapse in 2017, has several entries with possible interpretations in the Urban Dictionary, cabaret artist Randy Rainbow has dedicated a song to it, and even conspiracy theories about secret meanings of “Cofveve” buzz around in virtual space.

The fact that the simplest explanation is a typo by the tweet-happy, but not necessarily spelling-savvy president, does not detract from the hype surrounding the word creation.

For companies that want to inform about their offers or want to draw attention to innovations, the old motto “There is no such thing as bad advertising” does not apply in such cases. Typos, wrong information or simply a misinterpretation of German words can make a contribution to the mockery. The correctly chosen words, on the other hand, increase the chances of success, no matter what language they are written in. More UK casinos you can find here.


Top 8 Tips to Land Your Dream Job This Year

Finishing up university and getting your qualification can be a great experience, but to most it is also a bit scary. It marks the time that you have to find your feet and start working. While a lot of educational institutions do assist in the placement and pairing of students with possible jobs, it is not always the case.

You may need to do some research and work for you to land that dream job. In this article we share our top tips that will help you to do just that!

#1: Be on The Lookout

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Narrow down your search and make sure the requirements line up with your skillset and qualifications. Use all the tools and resources for job searching, including LinkedIn and other networking sites.

#2: Have Your CV Ready

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Make sure your CV is updated to the final detail. If you are applying for a job that requires a specific skillset you have, highlight that on your CV so that the employer can see it immediately.

#3: Customise Your Applications

Instead of sending batches of templates out and using the information on your CV on your cover letter, customise every application. Employers will quickly see what you have to offer and whether it will be a great fit.

#4: Be Prepared for Interviews

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Always prepare before going for an interview. Practice some typical interview questions and how you would answer them. Employers will be able to tell whether or not you’ve prepared in advance.

#5: Do Some Research

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Do some research on the company and the interviewer before going for an interview. This will make you even more prepared and enable you to compile a list of answers about the company and job.

#6: Arrive Early

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Before the day of the interview, you need to see where the company is situated. You should calculate how long it would take you to get there, and ensure you arrive early for your interview.

#7: Ask Questions

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While you prepared for the interview, you came up with some possible questions to ask. Have them ready and ask your interviewer these. This will also allow you to ascertain whether the job is a good fit for you.

#8: Think Before Accepting

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Once you have received your offer, be sure to find out until when you have to decide on whether or not to join the company. Think calmly and clearly before accepting a job offer and ensure it’s a great fit for the company and yourself.

And that’s it. By following these tips, you will be more than capable of landing your dream job. Keep in mind that there is a lot of work involved in finding, applying and preparing. Make sure you’ve got everything ready and that you only apply for the jobs that resonates with you and your skills.

6 Things to Do in University to Get a Job After Graduating

Studying at university towards a degree or specific qualification can be heaps of fun, but it is also a time that will define your future. Even when you start studying, you need to be focused and identify what you want to achieve eventually, after graduating from college or university.

In this article we take a look at a couple of things you can start doing while you are at university that will make it easier for you to find a job once you are qualified.

1. Select a Career Path

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You should already have a pretty good idea of what you want to end up doing. But you need more than just that idea. Select a career path and choose courses that will support it. Focus on getting there and make sure it is something you are enthusiastic about doing.

2. Your First Job Won’t Define Your Career

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Most students get a part-time job while studying. If you are fortunate you will only start working after getting qualified. The important thing to keep in mind that your very first job, be it as a waitress or in the field you’ve studied, will not be the only one nor will it define your success.

3. Doing a Master’s an Option

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Having a master’s degree might be required in specific fields, but in others it won’t be. If your field does not require that you have a master’s, it’s not necessary. Try to focus on gaining experience in relevant fields instead. A piece of paper will not make you instantly more employable, experience will.

4. Make Use of Social Media

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Social media is a magical tool when it comes to networking and finding job opportunities. Using a tool like LinkedIn will allow you to connect with your peers and also potential employers. You will also be able to keep up to date with the latest job openings.

5. Finding a Job is a Full-time Affair

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After you have completed your studies, and while you are at university, you should always keep an eye out on available jobs. Follow relevant industries, seek out possible employers and contact them and chat with others to gain some insights as to how they got where they are.

6. Be Motivated by Your Dream Job

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While you are at university, and you have identified your dream job, stay motivated by it. If you have to learn new skills or take extra courses for you to get it, do it. Remember, now is the time that you can make the most of what your future would look like.

Finding a job after you have completed your studies can be difficult. It is a full-time job to find one, and you should always keep that in mind. It’s also important to stay focused and motivated, even through tough times. Good luck with your studies and landing your dream job.

Top Ten Study Tips That Will Help You Ace your Exams

Preparing for exams and tests can be very stressful. And leaving it to the last minute can only lead to disaster and failing the subject. While getting good grades is important, remember that the most important thing is that you prepare and that you give it your best effort!

Not sure how to be prepared for the upcoming exams? We’ve got some handy study tips that will help you take your studying up a notch and ensure you pass with flying colours.

#1: Be Organised

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Make sure your study space is organised. A cluttered workspace might hinder your progress and concentration while you are studying. Everything should be in its place and there’s a place for everything.

#2: Use Loads of Visual Aids

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Flow charts and diagrams work magic while you are revising. Start by writing down important facts to memorise, then draw it out. This will help you recall it by way of association while you are writing.

#3: Work from Old Exams

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Next, once you have gone through everything and revised, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. Use an old exam paper to work from and see how well you understand the concepts you’ve learned.

#4: Test Your Knowledge

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After you’ve completed the test, ask someone you know to ask the questions verbally. We learn by using all our senses, and by explaining concepts to someone verbally will cement the knowledge even more.

#5: Join a Study Group

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If you feel that studying alone is not working, join a study group. This will allow everyone to participate and work together to pass the test. Be sure to share knowledge and stay focused on studying.

#6: Make Time for Breaks

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Studying can be tiring, and you need to take breaks. It will be easier for you to retain the knowledge you’ve enquired by taking breaks and sticking to a fixed study routine.

#7: Drink Enough Water

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Water is important for your brain to function at its best. You should always have plenty of water available while you are studying and revising as well on the day that you write your exam.

#8: Stick to Nutritious Snacks

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While it can be tiring to study, you can be tempted to snack on crisps and junk food as a quick fix. This is not a good idea, as your brain needs nutritional food to function properly. Stick to healthy snacks.

#9: Prepare for the Exam

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You are almost ready to write your exam! Be sure you’ve got all the details and tools you need and check the times. You also need to be sure you know where you are writing and how long it takes to get there.

#10: Stay Calm

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The day of the exam has arrived, and you are sweating bullets. No need to though, you’ve prepared plenty, and you are ready to ace it. Stay calm, take deep breaths and take your time answering the questions.

And that is how you ace an exam! Do you have a study routine or do you study as you please? Be sure that there are no distractions while you prepare for an exam, and that you remain focused. These tips should get you going for gold. Good luck!

The 5 Most Important Advantages of Education

Education is important, no matter how you look at it. It allows us to lead our lives and function within society. But what advantages does a higher education have for you? You have probably wondered about what other benefits you can expect when you decide to study at a university.

The truth of the matter is there is a lot of benefits. In this article we only take a look at five of the important advantages you get when you get a higher education. Let’s get started!

1. Influences Your Habits

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Studying will teach you how others socialise and act in social situations. While your first learning base is home, interacting with others at school or university will influence your habits. It will expose you to new situations where you will learn about acceptable behaviour.

2. Increases Chances of Employment

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Having a solid education will improve your chances of landing a good job. Going to school is important to learn basic skills, but furthering your studies will ensure you can improve your lifestyle and earn more money. Having a solid education will ultimately make you more employable.

3. Grow Your Circle of Friends

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Going to school and university places us in social situations where we need to interact with others. This is where we learn how to make new friends and nurture relationships. It will also improve your communication skills and allow you to solidify friendships.

4. Teaches Important Skills

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Going to school or university will teach you some very important skills, including efficient time management and money management. Without mastering these two skills, you will find it difficult to succeed at almost anything in life, including managing your finances efficiently.

5. Earn Respect

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Having a solid education will ensure others respect you. Your knowledge and skills will not only impress your friends and future employers, but they will also respect you for it. Education will also lead to a higher income, avoid poverty and increase your self-esteem and confidence.

Basic education is enough to get you going, but if you want to achieve your dreams you’ll have to work hard and maybe even further your studies. Not only will you be able to live a better life and enjoy peace of mind with financial freedom, but your loved ones will benefit from it too. Knowledge is power, we should always strive for excellence and learning more about the world around us.

8 Reasons Why You Need to Further Your Studies

If you have recently graduated and landed a job you probably think that you’ve made it. If you would like to stay stuck in one place for the rest of your life, you could probably do that. If you want to earn more and climb the steps of success, you’re going to have to further your studies.

A lot of people complete their studies thinking they’ll never do it again. In today’s life it is however important to sharpen your skills and knowledge every chance you get. In this post we’ll share eight reasons why you should further your studies.

#1: Increase Your Network

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Furthering your studies will bring you into contact with people working in the same industry. You will be able to network and connect with others as you work your way upwards on the corporate ladder.

#2: Have a Competitive Edge

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While a lot of workers have the necessary qualifications, very few have that special something that shows they’ve given 110% for their success. Furthering your studies will give you this competitive edge.

#3: Be Better Qualified

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Not all jobs you apply for are going to require tertiary education, but being qualified will make you stand out from the crowd. If you are qualified for the position, you have the upper hand.

#4: Earn a Higher Income

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Being qualified and furthering your studies will ensure that you are viable for a higher income. This means you won’t have to worry about medical bills, mortgages and everyday sources of stress.

#5: Increase Your Social Network

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Not only will you be building your business network while furthering your studies, you are more than likely going to walk away with a couple of friends too. Furthering your studies will increase your social network. So make sure your phone is always charged – a qi enabled phone can help with that as you’ll find many wireless chargers in bars or cafès these days.

#6: Boosts Self-Discipline

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If you already have a degree or a higher education, you’re probably going to study part-time. This will teach you self-discipline and perseverance, two valuable lessons in life.

#7: Boosts Confidence

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Being able to get the job done and being qualified for it will boost your self-esteem and confidence. While furthering your studies, you will gain skills, knowledge and experience that can improve confidence.

#8: Access to a Better Lifestyle

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If you decide to further your studies, you will be able to land a dream job that pays a suitable salary. Earning more will inevitably lead to living a lifestyle of comfort or even luxury.

Imagine all the things you can achieve if you further your studies. Whether you sign up for a free online course now and then, or enrol for a masters, it’s still going to be worth it in the end. Keeping yourself relevant, skilled and qualified will open the doors of possibility.

Here’s 6 Ways You’ll Benefit from Learning a New Language

Learning a second or a third language opens up doors that would have been otherwise closed. Not only will you be able to tap into a larger pool of career opportunities, you’ll broaden your horizons and sharpen your skills while being able to converse in another language.

In this post we uncover some of the key benefits you can expect when you decide to learn a foreign language.

1. It Can Improve Brain Power

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While you are already familiar with your native language, learning a new language will force your brain to learn new patterns and rules. Ultimately this results in developing critical thinking skills, cognitive thinking and problem-solving.

2. It Can Boost Memory

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Learning a new language will keep your brain active and force you to memorise new vocabularies. You will also have to pay close attention to certain aspects of the language, such as structures and patterns. Learning a new language has been proven to increase memory.

3. Your First Language Will Benefit

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While you are learning a new language, you will be exposed to specific linguistic aspects of the language you are learning. This will make you more aware of these structures and rules of your first language. It will also improve your listening skills as you have to pay attention to all the tiny details.

4. It Boosts Performance in Other Areas

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As your memory and cognitive skills are improved, you will also be able to excel in other areas. Children who learn a second or third language tend to get better scores in all their academic areas, as their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills are developed.

5. You’ll Have More Career Options

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As someone who can speak more than one language, you will be able to add value to any position you may hold. You will be able to interact with potential clients or customers in their first language, or help with recruitment who doesn’t speak English fluently.

6. It Develops Decision-Making Skills

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While you are learning new linguistic rules and structures, and practicing, you will improve your decision-making skills too. Those who can speak more than one language are often capable of thinking on their feet by paying attention to the detail and being confident in themselves.

As you can see, learning a new language holds many benefits and can lead to a successful career even. Networking becomes a breeze, and you can communicate effectively. Which language would you want to learn as a second or third language?

Choose One of the Top 5 Additional Courses to Further Your Studies

If you have a passion for teaching, and would like to buff up your resume, perhaps you should consider taking additional courses. While education is geared to prepare you for your career, it is also fun and healthy to continue learning. Further education holds many benefits, not only to you, the teacher, but also to your future students.

In this post we share some ideas on additional courses you could look at if you would like to further your studies.

#1: Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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There are quite a lot of schools that offer Teaching as a Foreign Language (TEFL). These courses are relatively short, usually up to four weeks and will provide you with the skills to teach English anywhere in the world. You will also get a certificate after completing the course.

#2: Teacher Development Course

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This course will allow you to either teach English as a Foreign language or teach specialist subjects to students in your home country, such as Law or Biology. It is a great course with loads of opportunities to grow as a teacher and offer value to future students.

#3: UK Coaching: Inclusive Coaching

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If you’ve studied to be a coach, this is a great additional course to take! Here you will learn how to coach sport to people with disabilities and become a more inclusive coach. You will be able to test out the theories you learned during the practical lesson at the end of the course.

#4: Outstanding Physical Education Lessons

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This is a free online course of PE teachers to ensure their teaching is up to standard. You will learn how to become an activator and motivate your students to reach their optimal physical ability. The course is perfect for any PE teachers anywhere in the world, and completely free of charge.

#5: International Student English Program

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The International Student English Program will allow you to teach English to non-native speakers and empower them efficiently. By focusing on enabling them to communicate in a professional context effectively. The school follows a holistic approach where you will learn how to add value to students lives.

Now that you’ve got a pretty good idea of some additional courses to up your game as an educator, you are probably eager to get started. Additional courses will not only add value to your teaching ability, but to the lives of your future students.

Join One of the 5 Best Language Schools in London

If you’ve just moved to London and your English is a bit rusty, you’d better start scouting for a great school to take classes at. If you’ve got a job, your employer might even offer to pay for your course, so you won’t have to worry about the fees coupled with it.

In this post we share our list of the five top-rated language schools in London today. Are you ready to enrol?

1. International House London

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The International House of London is situated in the Covent Garden district and offers both English for Life and English for Study courses. You’ll have access to fantastic resources including 56 classrooms and a self-access computer area.

2. The English Studio

Screenshot 2018 10 16 School of English in London and Dublin The English Studio - Join One of the 5 Best Language Schools in London

This highly esteemed school is situated in central London and has been teaching English for more than 20 years. You’ll be able to prepare for your job and have a wide range of courses to choose from, including English Exam Preparation, General English and Intensive English.

3. Speak Up London

Screenshot 2018 10 16 English Language School in London Speak Up London - Join One of the 5 Best Language Schools in LondonAt Speak Up London you will be able to enrol for General or Professional English classes. The school is located in Oxford street and offers loads of benefits to students. You’ll be able to meet up with fellow students on a Friday when the school hosts a free-entry Speaking Club.

4. Ingla School of English

Screenshot 2018 10 16 Ingla School of English Turnpike Lane London1 - Join One of the 5 Best Language Schools in London

Ingla school of English is situated in north London in Turnpike Lane. Here you will be able to take General English, Cambridge English Exams Preparation, IELTS Exam Preparation and Trinity Exams Preparation, and IELTS Exam Preparation.

5. Sprachcaffe

Screenshot 2018 10 16 English Courses in London for Adults Sprachcaffe - Join One of the 5 Best Language Schools in London

The Sprachcaffe school is situated in Ealing in an old Victorian building. Here you will be able to take a wide range of English classes in fully equipped and modern classrooms. Classes are limited to 15 students per class to ensure every student has the opportunity to learn.

Are you ready to polish your English while in the UK? Then you’d better join one of these top-rated language schools that specialises in teaching English as a foreign language today. This will cement your future and lead to further growth in your career. Good luck!

7 good reasons to learn English

Why learn English? To even ask this question is almost absurd in our globalised world. Because the English language has become an integral part of both private and professional life. But if you only learn English out of a pure sense of duty, then this is not very motivating and also a bit sad: Because there are actually many good, not to say better, reasons for learning English. We have collected some for you here – then you can learn with motivation!

1. 330 million reasons why learning English is worthwhile

English is spoken in the UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This means that the language has about 330 million native speakers.

2. English as lingua franca

If you are not yet convinced by the many native speakers, then English is also a secondary language in over 50 other countries and has up to 1.5 billion second speakers, depending on estimates. And even in countries where English is not an official second language, you can probably get ahead with English if other languages have already let you down – whether it’s on vacation, at work in an international company or just reading manuals.

3. enjoy original media

Most of today’s films and songs are produced in which language? In English, of course! If you now think to yourself: “Why learn English? The films and books are all translated”, then I can only answer: “You’re right, but” – and here comes a very fat but – you will appreciate the acting performances much more in the original! In the German versions of films you are dubbed away a lot. And also from books numerous puns are translated out due to linguistic restrictions. Music, film and literature lovers have as many good reasons to learn English as there are good songs, films, books and poems! you need the learn english to be at Betbright. For more details read this Betbright review.

4. no more boring learning materials

Besides, the dominance of the English-speaking media world means that you have an almost unlimited choice of learning materials: Films and series, music, (audio) books, apps, instructions for use, information brochures in museums, shampoo bottles… Actually, it is difficult to find something printed or printed on which no English word can be read; or a device that cannot be converted to English.

5. right up front technically

English is also the language of technology and the Internet (where you can also find very good learning materials). If you speak English, you’ll be at the forefront of technical innovation.

6. better job prospects

Taking all these factors into account, it is almost superfluous to say that English also helps you to have better job prospects. However, for the sake of completeness, you can work with English in almost all countries today, and as the technology and start-up industry is dominated by the English language, many new exciting professions are open to you – and you will by no means be limited to these professions.
Seventh. Easy!

Last but not least: English has a simple grammar, which saves you from having to many conjugation and declination tables. In addition, English and German share Germanic roots, which makes the basic vocabulary very similar.

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Fluency in language makes a career easier, even if the vocabulary is rather general. It is even better, however, if the technical terms flow as easily from the tongue as the standard phrases

Top 8 Tips to Land Your Dream Job This Year

Finishing up university and getting your qualification can be a great experience, but to most it is also a bit scary. It marks the time that you have to find your feet and start working. Whi...

6 Things to Do in University to Get a Job After Graduating

Studying at university towards a degree or specific qualification can be heaps of fun, but it is also a time that will define your future. Even when you start studying, you need to be focuse...

Top Ten Study Tips That Will Help You Ace your Exams

Preparing for exams and tests can be very stressful. And leaving it to the last minute can only lead to disaster and failing the subject. While getting good grades is important, remember tha...

The 5 Most Important Advantages of Education

Education is important, no matter how you look at it. It allows us to lead our lives and function within society. But what advantages does a higher education have for you? You have probably ...



